Internal Design

As described in the introduction, the workflow of static keys is:

  1. Globally initialize related structures.
  2. Define a static key.
  3. Modify the static key according to user-specified values.
  4. Use the static key at the if-check.

In this section, we will use three terms to make things more clear:

  • Static key

    A static variable storing information to control the enabling of static branches.

  • Jump entry

    A static variable storing information about static branches. This is used to locate the static branch.

  • Static branch

    A if-check which utilizes static keys.

Simplified Logics

In simplified logics, we can think of the static key and jump entry as the following structures:

struct StaticKey {
    enabled: bool,
    jump_entries: Vec<JumpEntry>,

struct JumpEntry {
    code: &'static Instruction,

When we modify a static key, the following things happen:

  1. The static key's enable field is modified
  2. We find all jump entries associated with this static key by jump_entries field
  3. For each jump entry, we locate the static branch by static_branch field
  4. We modify the static branch to nop/jmp according to the enable value

And when we use a static key at if-check, we just push another jump entry into the static key, which records the location of current if-check.

After understanding the simplified logics, we can then add some more comprehensive supplements to the simplified logic:

  • Jump entry location.
  • Static branch modification content.
  • Static branch modification rule.
  • Static branch modification approach.

Jump Entry Location

As described in Usage, we can use one static key at multiple if checks. As a result, one static key may be associated with multiple jump entries. However, we cannot construct a compile-time vector in ad-hoc: we cannot define a static vector, and push to this vector at compile time across the crate. As a result, we must store the jump entries in the generated binary, and construct the static key's jump entries at run time to collect associated jump entries.

In practice, we store these jump entries in an individual section in generated binary. The name of such section differs on each OS. For example, in Linux ELF, this section is named __static_keys.

Then at runtime, when initializing, we will collect jump entries to each static key. However, as the jump entries have already in a section loaded into memory, we don't want to double the memory usage to push those jump entries content into the static key's vector.

The solution is to make the jump_entries field of StaticKey a pointer instead of vector. It can just point to the jump entries in the individual section, thus decrease the memory usage. To do so, we then must sort the jump entries in such section to make sure jump entries associated with same static key are adjacent to each other, and then the jump_entries field can point to the first jump entry which associated with the static key.

To make the sort work, we should add another field to the JumpEntry: the address of static key. Then the sort can conduct according to static key address. Note that in implementaion, such addresses are all relative due to ASLR.

As a result, now the structure should be written as

struct StaticKey {
    enabled: bool,
    jump_entries: *const JumpEntry,

struct JumpEntry {
    code: &'static Instruction,
    /// Relative address to static key
    key: usize,

The jump_entries field is null at beginning, and when initializing, this field is updated to point to the first jump entry which asscoiated with this static key.

Static Branch Modification Content

When modifying a static branch, we may modify nop to jmp, or jmp to nop. In most architectures, the nop instruction can be of many byte length. For example, in x86-64, since the jmp is usually 5-byte long, we select a 5-byte nop to do the replacement. This can be used to make sure that we do not mess up with the following instruction.

However, when modifying nop to jmp, which target should be jumped to? This cannot be deduced trivially. As a result, we need another field in JumpEntry to record the address of jump target:

fn main() {
struct JumpEntry {
    code: &'static Instruction,
    /// Relative address to jump target
    target: usize,
    key: usize,

To construct such jump entry at static branch, we use the following inline assembly instruction (take x86-64 for example). When using static_branch_likely! and static_branch_unlikely!, the following code snippet will be generated (details may be different).

'my_label {
        .byte 0x0f,0x1f,0x44,0x00,0x00
        .pushsection __static_keys, "awR"
        .balign 8
        .quad 2b - .
        .quad {0} - .
        .quad {1} + {2} - .
        label {
            break 'my_label false;
        sym MY_STATIC_KEY,
        const true as usize,
    break 'my_label true;

It seems complicated, and let me break it down to explain.

Assembly part

The first line 2: indicate an assembly label, which used to mark the location of current instruction: 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00, which is a 5-byte nop instruction.

Then we use .pushsection and .popsection pair to switch to another section (current section is .text, which is used to record instructions), which is used to store the jump entries.

Inside the new section, we use three .quad to define three 8-byte values, which corresponds to three fields of JumpEntry struct. The first 8-byte value is 2b - ., where 2b indicates the nearest label with name 2, which is the address of nop instruction we just defined. The . represents current location, which is the address of this 8-byte value. Using 2b - . to indicate a relative address to the nop instruction, which is the code field of JumpEntry.

The second 8-byte value is {0} - ., where {0} indicates the first argument in this inline assembly, which is label { break 'my_label false; }. This is the target address of jmp instruction, which corresponds to the target field of JumpEntry. This will be explained later.

The third 8-byte value is {1} + {2} - ., which stores information about static key and initial status of static branch (note that static key is always 8-byte aligned, so the last byte of its address is always 0x00, which allows us to use this to record additional information). The initial status will be explained later as well.

By conducting this inline assembly, a jump entry will be generated in "__static_keys" section at compile time.

Jump label part

Since the inline assembly does not affect the control flow, let's simply the code snippet to see more clear about jump label part:

'my_label {
    // Some inline-assembly
    break 'my_label true;

This will be treated as a true value expression by Rust compiler. Since we use the static_branch_likely! and static_branch_unlikely! in the if-check, the if-check then become

if true {
} else {

As a result, the Rust compiler will optimize the instruction to be

nop        ; 0x0f,0x1f,0x44,0x00,0x00
call do_a  ; do_a()

However, do_b() will not be optimized out: there is an argument in the inline assembly which reference it --- the label { break 'my_label false; }. As described above, this argument is used as an address to the statement break 'my_label false;. When fitting this statement into the if-check, it become a false condition. As a result, this statement is translated to a call to do_b(), which this call is never executed in the static control flow. To make it more clear, let's see what is the generated assembly look like:

    nop           ; 0x0f,0x1f,0x44,0x00,0x00
    call    do_a  ; do_a()
    call    do_c  ; do_c()
    ret           ; End of this function
    call    do_b  ; do_b()
    jmp     DO_C  ; goto DO_C

The basic block at DO_B will never be executed in the static control flow, while we do pass its address to a jump entry stored in the individual section.

When we modify the static branch to a jmp, the assembly become:

    jmp     DO_B  ; Modified!
    call    do_a  ; do_a()
    call    do_c  ; do_c()
    ret           ; End of this function
    call    do_b  ; do_b()
    jmp     DO_C  ; goto DO_C

Things go right!

Static Branch Modification Rule

Branch layout

As described in the static branch modification content, there are two branches to be executed: one can be executed after nop, and is adjacent to the main part; another shall be executed with two additional jmp, and its location is in the end of function. This difference will make a little impact on the performance. Usually, the branch that unlikely to be executed should be the latter one, and the other should be the former one. In this crate, the layout is controlled by static_branch_likely! and static_branch_unlikely!.

When using static_branch_likely!, the true branch will become a likely branch, which will be positioned near the main part, and can be just noped to it. The false branch is positioned in some other places, and is involved with two additional jmps.

In the inline assembly, the difference is represented by break 'my_label true or break 'my_label false in the end of block.

Initial instruction

After getting the right branch layout, then which instruction should be the initial instruction generated into the binary? It is used for the situation where, we do not update the static key, then its associated static branches need to take the correct path.

The rule is:

  • For static_branch_likely!

    • If static key is defined with initial value true, then generate nop.
    • If static key is defined with initial value false, then generate jmp.
  • For static_branch_unlikely!

    • If static key is defined with initial value false, then generate nop.
    • If static key is defined with initial value true, then generate jmp.

Modification direction

Another question is, when enabling/disabling a static key, what instruction should we update to? Should we update jmp to nop, or update nop to jmp? To solve this question, we shall use the initial status recorded in the last byte of static key address in key field of JumpEntry.

The initial status is a bool, which indicates whether the likely branch is true branch. As described above, the likely branch should always be adjacent to the main part. And this status is controlled by whether we use static_branch_likely! or static_branch_unlikely!, and the initial value of static key.

Then when modifying static branches, the modification direction can be determined by xoring the new value of static key, and the initial status recorded in jump entry. For example, if the likely branch is true branch, and the new value of static key is true, then we shall update jmp to nop, since we need to execute the block adjacent to the static branch check.

Static Branch Modification Approach

The last question need to be solved, is how to modify static branch.

As a ground knowledge, the instructions are in text section. In most platforms, the text section has executable protection, and is non-writable to avoid attackers to modify instructions to execute malicious logic. This kind of protection mechanism is called DEP (Data Execution Protection) or W^X (Writable Xor eXecutable).

In order to modify static branch instructions, we then need to bypass the DEP in a short moment. This may be dangerous and vulnerable, while the DEP bypassing only happens in the modification of static key. After modification done, the protection is restored. So pay attention to the modification!